Tofu: what it is, nutritional values, properties and benefits, how to prepare it, contraindications

Vegans and vegetarians really like it. It has a neutral and delicate flavor which makes it particularly versatile in the kitchen. And it is full of beneficial properties.
Vegans and vegetarians like it a lot. And so much interest can be explained starting from the origin of the word, tofu , which in Japanese means “meat without bones”, a food product obtained from yellow soybeans . Although it originated from China around 2,000 years ago, tofu has become an essential ingredient in all Asian cuisine , and is widespread in the countries of the Orient and the Far East vegan tofu.
Tofu is the curd made from the soy drink , itself extracted from yellow soy beans. A food widely used in Far Eastern cuisine with a neutral flavor and soft texture. To curdle the tofu, the so-called nigari, magnesium chloride, or (but more rarely) calcium sulphate are used.
It has a neutral and delicate flavor which makes it particularly versatile in the kitchen. If we want to compare it to common cheeses, it might remind us a bit of primosale. The interesting thing is that it can be easily flavored to your liking, using it in the preparation of main courses, but also sauces and even desserts. There are two main types, fresh and preserved.
Tofu is very rich from a nutritional point of view. First of all, it is cholesterol-free, it contains few calories , just think that 100 grams contain about 100-150, and it is rich in lecithin, useful against bad cholesterol. Not only that, it also contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, low fat, and a good amount of vegetable protein (about 10 grams in 100 grams of tofu).
Tofu is a totally vegetable, high protein food , to which numerous beneficial properties are attributed. Here are some of the main ones:
Helps to decrease cholesterol levels ;
Lowers the risk of atherosclerosis;
Decreases the risk of hypertension;
It is useful in menopause;
Promotes bone health;
Prevents cellular aging;
It boasts anti-inflammatory properties for blood vessels and promotes blood circulation thanks to isoflavones.
Depending on whether it is fresh or preserved, tofu is used in different ways. If the former, being generally softer, is suitable for the preparation of sauces and condiments , the preserved tofu is more suitable for cooking. You can cook it on the grill , flavoring it or not with some sauce, or pour it into small pieces in soups . But also let it boil or fry.